Terms of Service

Regarding the information we collect.

Legal Agreement

The Terms of Service (“Terms”), which include and hereby incorporate the Privacy Policy found over at https://articexploits.com/privacypolicy.php (“Privacy Policy”), is a legal agreement between ArticExploits and its related services. (“us,” “our,” or "we") and you ("you" or “your”). By using or accessing the website located at https://articexploits.com/ (the "Site"), which is referred to as the “Service,” you agree (i) that you are 13 years of age or older, (ii) if you are the age of majority in your jurisdiction or over, that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms, and (iii) if you are between 13 and the age of majority in your jurisdiction, that your legal guardian has already reviewed and agrees to the Terms found on our Site/Service(s).


By using our Site ("ArticExploits") you agree not to redistribute/monetize our products without permission or credit. You also agree not to bypass our systems built in place for our software with extensions or scripts to change how our site or service is meant to operate. Not all content found on ArticExploits is owned by us, If you intend on sharing software or script downloads elsewhere then it's recommended to provide the original download link of the developer/owner and not to modify such products/files to prevent any complaints.


Our Site ("ArticExploits") may feature product or script releases from other developers or affiliates. Content that's found on ArticExploits is manually approved by us to be added beforehand to verify its reputation. In case of any damages when misusing a product we don't own, we reserve the right not to hold any liability. ArticExploits also uses third-party advertisers to help generate revenue and keep our services free for everyone. By using our site you agree that these providers may collect basic information on your browser, location, device type, and other information that you provide or has already been provided before. Commonly referred to as (“Cookies”). For more information on how data is shared between third-party services, we recommend reading the Privacy Policy.